Planning Archive 2016

Please click on the application number to view the full details and comment on applications.

PA16/11796 Jarlshof 57 Heather Lane Canonstown First floor extension, rear (south) recessed balcony and internal alterations to existing bungalow
PA16/11607Currys Jelbert Way Long Rock Advertisement consent for 2no. non illuminated pan sign and 1no. internally illuminated box sign to front elevation
PA16/11148Land At Gonew Woods Lelant Downs Hayle Wooden single storey low impact off-grid structure to provide housing for horticultural workers on 13 acres of land, on same site and footprint as previous derelict redundant wooden barn which had occupied the site for over 20 years. Retrospective 
PA16/10651 Land SSW Of Ludgvan Leaze House Ludgvan Restrospective advertising consent for a wooden free standing sign
PA16/11796 Jarlshof 57 Heather Lane Canonstown First floor extension, rear (south) recessed balcony and internal alterations to existing bungalow
PA16/11670Little Amalebrea Access Track To Little Amalebrea Nancledra Proposed alterations and two storey rear extension including flue
PA16/03544/PREAPPRospaean Rospeath Lane Crowlas Pre-application advice to put a log cabin on an existing concrete slab in the garden of the above property. This will sit on a slab that has been laid that a stable currently occupies. It would involve the removal of the current structure which is block construction. The cabin will provide additional accomodation for family to be on site to provide additional care to elderly relatives that live in The Lodge, Rospavean. 
PA16/11581 Parc Sais Tregarthen Long Rock Raising of the roof to create new 1st floor accommodation, replacement Sunroom, re-roofing and external insulation of existing walls, new carport
PA16/10651Grass Verge, (Land SSW Of) Ludgvan Lease Ludgvan Restrospective advertising consent for a wooden free standing sign
PA16/03441/PREAPPTyringham Arms Nance Trink Pre-application advice for conversion of former public house to four new residential units, and demolition of single-storey function room and erection of two semi-detached dwellings, together with associated works
PA16/11071Land At Gitchell Lane Gitchell Lane Cockwells Conversion, Extension & Associated Works of Existing Historical Dwelling to Form Sustainable Family Dwelling & Associated Works. (Resubmission of application no. PA16/07616 dated 19/10/16). 
PA16/10649 White Hart Inn Church Hill Ludgvan Demolition of existing shed like structure to build new extension to decking area and new lean too to the decking area 
PA16/10650White Hart Inn Church Hill Ludgvan Listed Building Consent: Demolition of existing shed like structure to build new extension to decking area and new lean too to decking area 
PA16/10365La Mouette Castle Road Ludgvan Construction of a replacement Low Energy Dwelling
PA16/10831Land SW Of The Watermill Lelant Downs Fell T1 Holm Oak
PA16/10799 WM Morrison Supermarkets Plc Long Rock Advertisement Consent for Store and petrol station signage (1 x formed panel, 2 x wall mounted letters, 1 x motif box, 2 x totems, canopy and car wash signage) 
PA16/10462Land N Of Rainbow Meadow Back Lane Crowlas Construction of two dwellings and associated works
PA16/10036Tyringham Arms Nance Trink Conversion of former public house to four new residential units, and demolition of single-storey function room and erection of two semi-detached dwellings, together with associated works
PA16/10831Land SW Of The Watermill Lelant DownsFell T1 Holm Oak
PA16/10462 Land N Of Rainbow Meadow Back Lane Crowlas Construction of two dwellings and associated works
PA16/10093Polgrean Barn Polgrean Farm Canonstown Continued use of the converted barns without compliance with conditions 4, 9 and 10 of planning permission 04/P/1527/F dated 23.12.04 relating to the provision of business space within the converted barns, provision of business space prior to the residential occupation of the barns and the occupancy of the barns by a person solely or mainly employed in the businesses
PA16/03126/PREAPPTrewynne Coombe Ninnesbridge Road Lelant Downs Hayle Pre-Application advice for the replacement of existing dwelling 
PA16/10066Approved Drive-Thru Unit Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way LongrockApplication for advertisement consent for 1x powder tray sign in Costa red at the west elevation, 1x powder tray sign in Costa red at the east elevation, 1x powder tray sign in Costa red at the north elevation, 1x set of roof letters at the south elevation, 2x key seller menu signs, 1x triple menu sign, 1x 10m pole sign and 1x height barrier
PA16/09935Land ESE Of The Old Inn Lower Quarter Ludgvan Conversion and extension of outbuilding to form a residential unit 
PA16/03126/PREAPPTrewynne Coombe Ninnesbridge Road Lelant Downs Hayle Pre-Application advice for the replacement of existing dwelling
PA16/09891Bospras Eglos Road Ludgvan Single storey extension 
PA16/09525Boskennal Mill Access To Boskennal Mill And Cucurrian Farm Cucurrian Ludgvan Change of use and redevelopment of dis-used farm building to dwelling
PA16/09288Splattenridden Lelant Downs Hayle Extension to an existing agricultural shed
PA16/08997Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc Filling Station Access To Morrisons Petrol Station Long Rock Proposed side extension to existing PFS Kiosk to provide additional retail space, jet wash relocated, 1no. parking bays relocated and 1no. parking bays removed. 
PA16/03012/PREAPPHeliport Retail Park Jelbert Way Eastern Green Pre-Application for for a Travelodge 70-room hotel and seperate drive-thru restaurant at Heliport Retail Park
PA16/09690Tregarthen Barn Tregarthen Farm Tregarthen Long Rock Proposed extension, alterations including a balcony and juliet balconies and associated works (Previously approved PA15/04591) 
PA16/09550White Hart Inn Church Hill Ludgvan Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA16/03786
PA16/02953/PREAPPLand Adjacent To Penrose Cockwells Lane Cockwells Pre-application advice for the construction of a dwelling and associated works
PA16/09346Land N Of Chy An Mor Roundabout Jelbert Way Eastern Green A replacement heliport comprising a terminal building, hangar, helicopter landing pad, emergency vehicle garage, 274 staff and customer parking spaces, access from Jelbert Way, internal access roads and servicing, operational equipment and apparatus, fuel storage facility, landscaping, foul and surface water drainage, boundary fencing, lighting, acoustic mitigation, associated works and infrastructure. 
PA16/08619 Land At Borea Nancledra Widening of access/entrance
PA16/09014Varfell Farm Varfell Lane Long Rock Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA15/11521
PA16/08297 Sea Wall Long Rock Rock armour sea defence protection to a 63metre section of existing sea wall
PA16/08784 Rear Of 36 – 38 Polmor Road Crowlas 3 new detached dwellings with integral garage
PA16/04937Kentucky Fried Chicken Jelbert Way Longrock New entrance door, redecoration to building, shopfront, doors, new bins and external seating with umbrellas. White lining re done
PA16/04938 Kentucky Fried Chicken Jelbert Way Longrock New fascia with aluminum trough light, KFC letters, leader boards, Colonel Box Sign, directional signage
PA16/08813Units 13 And 14 Long Rock Industrial Estate Long RockSubmission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA15/02822
PA16/08771Ninnis Farm Access Track To Ninnis Farm Ninnis Bridge Lelant Downs Submission of details to discharge condition 3 of application PA16/05524 (Listed Building Consent to dismantle chimney stack and re build to same spec as before) 
PA16/08372 Land W Of Brunnion Farm Cripplesease Nancledra Agricultural barn providing open access shelter for horses and goats, and lockable storage for tools, equipment and animal feed. 
PA16/0811015 Polmor Road Crowlas Extension above existing garage and new front porch
PA16/02458/PREAPPLand North Of Chy An Mor Roundabout Jelbert Way Eastern Green Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) for heliport and associated infrastructure
PA16/08135Land North Of Chy An Mor Roundabout Jelbert Way Eastern GreenScoping Opinion for heliport and associated infrastructure
PA16/07557 Trelowen Rospeath Lane Crowlas Construction of two storey side extension and associated works
PA16/07866Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock Non-material amendment for repositioning of staff car parking spaces to (PA15/02365) redevelopment of land off Eastern Green (Phase 2) To Provide Two Class A1 Retail Units and Drive-Thru (ClassA3/A5), Car Parking, Access and Associated Works
PA16/07731 White Hart Inn Church Hill LudgvanSubmission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA16/03786
PA16/07687McDonalds Restaurant Long Rock Non material amendment for the reconfiguration of the existing corral area to PA16/05024 – reconfiguration of the drive thru lane and kerb lines to provide a side-by-side order point including associated works to the site. The installation of 1no. new and relocation of 1no. existing Customer Order Displays (COD), with associated canopy. Installation of office extension totalling 12sqm and 1no. goal post height restrictor. Installation of new drive thru. signage suite. 
PA16/07616 Land At Gitchell Lane Gitchell Lane Cockwells Conversion, Extension & Associated Works of Existing Historical Dwelling to Form Sustainable Family Dwelling & Associated Works 
PA16/07430Sea Wall Long RockMarine Management Organisation (MMO) for Long Rock sea wall rock armour protection works
PA16/07236Old Chapel Bungalow Canonstown Hayle Amended design to PA15/10634 to include an off-street parking space
PA16/07731 White Hart Inn Church Hill LudgvanSubmission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA16/03786 
PA16/07385 Unit 20 Long Rock Industrial Estate Long RockExtension and sub-divison to form two no. industrial units at P.I Richardson Plant Hire unit
PA16/06854 Rosevidney Livery Stables Rosevidney Farm Road Between Gitchell Lane And Arch Lane Crowlas Partial demolition and reconstruction of ancillary buildings to form holiday accommodation relating to the Livery and riding school.
PA16/06853 Rosevidney Livery Stables Rosevidney Farm Road Between Gitchell Lane And Arch Lane Crowlas Partial demolition and reconstruction of ancillary buildings to form holiday accommodation relating to the Livery and riding school.
PA16/06317 Treassowe Barn Treassowe Castle Road Ludgvan Listed building consent for the proposed rebuilding and adaptation of existing conservatory
PA16/07356Units 13 And 14 Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 4 in respect of decision notice PA15/02822
PA16/07103Carpark Former Heliport Eastern Green Park and ride facility to accommodate 250 vehicles including 13 spaces for disabled parking, comprising open car park area, finished in gravel and bitumen macadam surfacing . To include foot-ways, fencing, lighting, CCTV, bus shelter structure, attendant`s kiosk, port-a-loos and new junction off Jelbert Way. 
PA16/06878Unit D Questmap Business Park Phase 1 Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Change of use, from B1/B8 to D2 use, for use by the Penzance Gymnastics Club as a gymnasium training facility. There is no structural building work required on the building. 
PA16/07151Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock Application to discharge conditions 4, 16 and 17 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365
PA16/06843Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock Submission of details to discharge conditions 5, 6, 7, 11 and 19 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365 
PA16/06346 Land Of Eastern Green Jelbert Way Long Rock Reserved matters in regards submission of landscape details following outline application PA15/02365 (Redevelopment of land off Eastern Green (Phase 2) To Provide Two Class A1 Retail Units and Drive-Thru (ClassA3/A5), Car Parking, Access and Associated Works) 
PA16/02014/PREAPPRear Of 36 – 38 Polmor Road Crowlas Erection of three new dwellings
PA16/06307 Trink Farm TrinkErection of an agricultural building for use as dairy cow housing
PA16/06309Trink Farm TrinkErection of an agricultural building for use as dairy cow housing – Phase 2
PA16/01935/PREAPPLand North East Of Rosevidney Farm Crowlas Pre-application advice for change of use of existing agricultural land for 12 month campsite comprising yurts, tents, timber porter toilets and associated works 
PA16/02014/PREAPPRear Of 36 – 38 Polmor Road Crowlas Erection of three new dwellings
PA16/01993/PREAPP Land SSW Of Rospavean Rospeath Lane Crowlas Pre application advice for outline Application for an affordable led mixed tenure scheme for 18 dwellings together with domestic gardens, landscaped space, garages, roads and infrastructure with provision of amenity space
PA16/01810/PREAPPLand W Of Wyevale Garden Centre Nut Lane LelantPre application advice for farm shop
PA16/04968Bythmoy Access To Nanscowen Newmill Single storey extension to existing house
PA16/05107 Vodafone Ltd Streetworks Mast Long Rock The removal of the existing Vodafone only 13.3m mast housing 3 antennas and the installation of a 15.0m mast housing 6 antennas for the shared use of Telefonica and Vodafone. 1 equipment cabinet will be removed and 3 new ones installed. 
PA16/01683/PREAPPTrewey Mill Zennor St Ives Pre-Application Advice for the change of use to holiday let
PA16/05524Ninnis Farm Access Track To Ninnis Farm Ninnis Bridge Lelant DownsListed Building Consent to dismantle chimney stack and re build to same spec as before 
PA16/05726Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens Tolver Water Road Tolver Long Rock Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA15/00462 dated 29th April 2014
PA16/01863/PREAPPChris Nicholls Motors Tolverth Garage Long RockPre-application advice for construction of six dwellings, five apartments and associated works
PA16/05366Unit 6D Poniou Road Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Proposed application for alternative change of use to D2 whilst retaining B2 usage
PA16/05498 Land South Of B And Q Jelbert Way Long Rock Non material amendment for removal of the words “Non-Food” after “as” on the second line of Condition 15 in respect of Decision Notice PA15/02365 
PA16/01736/PREAPP4 The Buildings Station Road Long Rock Pre-application advice for small 2 bedroomed, 2 storey new dwelling. 
PA16/05024McDonalds Restaurant Long Rock Reconfiguration of the drive thru lane and kerb lines to provide a side-by-side order point including associated works to the site. The installation of 1no. new and relocation of 1no. existing Customer Order Displays (COD), with associated canopy. Installation of office extension totalling 12sqm and 1no. goal post height restrictor. Installation of new drive thru. signage suite. 
PA16/05025McDonalds Restaurant Long Rock Advertisement Consent for the installation of 4no. new and the relocation of 4no. existing drive thru. signs
PA16/05211Varfell Farm Varfell Lane Long Rock Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA15/11521
PA16/04791Splattenridden Lelant Downs Hayle Submission of details to discharge conditions 5, 6 and 8 in respect of decision notice PA15/10545 
PA16/01567/PREAPPLand SSW Of KFC Jelbert Way Long Rock Pre-application advice for new 70 room hotel over 2 storeys with associated restaurant facility and seperate 160sqm commercial unit (use class A1/A3/A5/Sui Generis). The proposal will incorporate landscaping, an additional 15 car parking units are part of a reconfigured car park area and a combined servicing and waste storage area
PA16/04460White Chimneys Cottage A30 Between Crowlas And White Cross Cockwells Rear single storey kitchen extension
PA16/04388Church Of St Paul Church Hill Ludgvan Various tree works
PA16/04256Flat 1 Land Nne Of Rospeath Garage Rospeath Lane Crowlas Conversion of Ground Floor Workshop to Once Bedroom Flat
PA16/03227Elm Wood Road Between Angwinack And Lower Quarter Vellanoweth Ludgvan Demolition of existing extension and replacement rear extension including rooflights
PA16/03362Louraine House A30 Between Rospeath Lane And Cockwells Crowlas Replacement Roof Covering, Re-pointing of Chimney, Refurbishment Windows and Doors, and Replacement of Rainwater Goods. 
PA16/03363Louraine House A30 Between Rospeath Lane And Cockwells Crowlas Replacement Roof Covering, Re-pointing of Chimney, Refurbishment Windows & Doors, and Replacement of Rainwater Goods. 
PA16/01389/PREAPPLand South East Of Bosmenor Eglos Road Ludgvan Pre-Application advice for the construction of detached dwelling 
PA16/03896Higher Hill Lelant DownsErection of a replacement dwelling, detached garage building and 2kw ground-mounted PV array 
PA16/03846Rosevidney Farm CrowlasSubmision of details to discharge of condition 4 in relation to decision notice to PA15/11490 dated 01.03.2016 
PA16/03786White Hart Inn Church Hill Ludgvan Listed building consent to replace section of roof finish 
PA16/01267/PREAPPLand North Of Rainbow Meadow Back Lane Crowlas Pre-application advice for construction of 2 dwellings and associated works
PA16/03614Former Omeagayne Canonstown Hayle Proposal for 2 new houses and associated site works 
PA16/03414 2 Tregender Road Crowlas Proposed extension and balcony to the west end of existing property and a replacement pitched roof on existing garage. 
PA16/03299Rose-In-Vale Farmhouse LudgvanChange of use of agricultural land (and part solar park) to tourism ‘glamping’ accommodation – in 2no. safari tents & 1no. shepherds hut. 
PA16/03147Ludgvan Academy School Lower Quarter Ludgvan School Classroom
PA16/02788The Old Manor House Ludgvan Target prune one branch and to reduce rest of Beech tree by 30% 
PA16/02647 Rosevidney Stables Rosevidney Farm Crowlas Demolition of dilapidated outbuildings and construction of self contained unit. 
PA16/02645Rosevidney Livery Stables Rosevidney Farm Crowlas Conversion of existing stables to form 3 no self catering units of accommodation for the Riding School and Livery Stables
PA16/02646Rosevidney Stables Rosevidney Farm Crowlas Demolition of dilapidated outbuildings and construction of self contained unit
PA16/02112Currys Jelbert Way Longrock Installation of extension to mezzanine floor (367sqm) for A1 retail use
PA16/00933/PREAPP Cargease Farmhouse Cargease Farm Cockwells Lane Cockwells Proposed agricultural dwelling
PA16/02788 The Old Manor House Ludgvan Target prune one branch and to reduce rest of Beech tree by 30%
PA16/02504Rear Of 36 – 38 Polmor Road Crowlas Erection of three new dwellings and one replacement dwelling
PA16/00596/PREAPPBowls Farm Castle Road LudgvanPre-application advice for change of use to residential single dwelling
PA16/01739Land North Of Baldhu House Baldhu Lane Nancledra Alteration to outbuilding from a flat roof to a pitched corrigated roof to provide additional storage space
PA16/00596/PREAPPBowls Farm Castle Road LudgvanPre-application advice for change of use to residential single dwelling
PA16/00637/PREAPPRoad From Rospeath Lane To Gwallon Lane Truthwall Crowlas Pre-application for electronic communication advice for the installation of 1 x DSLAM equipment cabinet in olive green
PA16/018693 Beachfield Cottages Long Rock Construction of extension and associated works
PA16/01487The Caravan Road Between Gitchell Lane And Arch Lane Crowlas Replacement of Existing Chalet and Caravan, and Siting of Single Storey Timber Mobile Home for the Purposes of the Small Holding 
PA16/00558Land South Of Tolverth House Questmap Business Park Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long RockNew offices 
PA15/11795 Land East Of Livery Stables Blowing House Hill Ludgvan Two bedroom Stable Managers dwelling house adjacent to the Stables entrance
PA16/011701 Brooklyn Cottages Back Lane Canonstown HayleConstruction of single storey side extension and two storey rear extension. 
PA16/00997The Piggery Higher Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan Construction of replacement of extension and associated works
PA16/00971Marchton A30 Rose An Grouse Hayle Conversion of detached garage to self-contained family annexe accommodation
PA16/00676 Jordan’s Cafe Beach Road Marazion Extension to cafe, internal alterations and conversion of three public toilets to cafe 
PA16/00687Land ENE Of Tregilliowe Cottage Crowlas Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 6 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA15/08195 
PA16/00680Questmap Business Park Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 8, 9 and 10 in respect of decision notice PA14/05612 
PA15/11521Varfell Farm Varfell Lane Long Rock Erection of an agricultural building to accommodate machinery store, workshop and steriliser plant. 
PA16/00131/PREAPPHigher Hill Lelant Downs Hayle Pre application for the erection of a replacement dwelling, detached garage building and 2kW ground-mounted solar PV array
PA16/00126/PREAPPTreassowe Barn Castle Road Ludgvan Pre-application advice for Listed Building – proposed rebuilding and adaption of existing conservatory 
PA16/002691 The Square Ludgvan Replace old wooden windows and doors with new white PVCU on rear elevation.
PA15/11490Rosevidney Farm Crowlas The siting of three safari style tents, a septic tank and a store/site office
PA15/04859Barn Ese Of Galowva Cottages A30 Between Rospeath Lane And Cockwells Crowlas Conversion of barn to form dwelling and associated works