Planning Archive 2014

Please click on the application number to view the full details and comment on applications.

PA14/11966Land East Of Argenta Rospeath Lane Crowlas Demolition of Existing Garage, Construction of Dwelling House and Associated Works
PA14/09469Trink Lodge Nance Trink St Ives Submission of details to discharge condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA13/10165
PA14/04290/PREAPPChy-An-Brea Castle Gate Ludgvan Conversion and extension of an existing outbuilding to form an ancillary domestic outbuilding and annexe
PA14/11646Rose Cottage Lower Quarter Ludgvan Extension approved under PA14/06839. Revised to include raising of lower ridge
PA14/11429Higher Hill Lelant Downs Hayle Demolition and construction of new 3 bedroomed dwelling with separate garage.
PA14/04059/PREAPPPleming Farm Long Rock Conversion and extension of barn – revised scheme of PA12/03362
PA14/10577The Piggery Higher Tremenheere Ludgvan Certificate of Lawfulness for Full Residential Occupancy
PA14/10175The Cottage Gilly Lane Whitecross Proposed porch and general alterations to provide a self-contained annexe
PA14/09310The Byre Higher Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan Change of use from a double garage to holiday let.
PA14/09309Former Shiver Me Timbers Station Road Long Rock Construction of bank of solar panels at ground level in front of new house currently under construction
PA14/096602 Trink Cottages Trink Submssion of details to discharge conditions 1, 2 and 3 in relation to decision notice PA13/10710 dated 04.02.2014
PA14/09469Trink Lodge Nance Submission of details to discharge conditions 2 and 5 in respect of decision notice PA13/10165
PA14/09214Chy-An-Brea Castle Gate Ludgvan Conversion and extension of existing outbuilding to form an ancillary domestic outbuilding and annexe
PA14/08880Lower Trenowin Barn Ludgvan Conversion of existing barn to holiday let and modifications to and extension of existing main residence
PA14/03399/PREAPPLand West Of Cobblestones Castle Road Ludgvan Proposal to erect one dwellinghouse on the land
PA14/03347/PREAPPThe Barn Opposite Tregony Long Rock 3 Bed, detached, oak framed cottage with orangery on the existing footprint reusing the stone to clad, incorporating all available eco technologies.
PA14/08917Land West Of Furze Croft Nancledra Erection of a new H pole with a 200kva 3 phase transformer and underground cables for new housing estate as per enclosed plan 2029741
PA14/08216Land West Of Trencrom House Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs To demolish existing building storage building and to construct replacement building storage building
PA14/08491Tregender Barn Tregender Lane Crowlas Proposed change of use from agricultural use to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and for associated operational development.
PA14/08216Mill Cottage Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs Hayle To demolish existing building storage building and to construct replacement building storage building
PA14/07862Trevorrow Farm Crowlas Erection of an Agricultural Building
PA14/02853/PREAPPLand South West Of Tregellas Heights CockwellsConversion of a barn into a fully accessible holiday let cottage
PA14/07763Hillside Blowing House Hill Ludgvan Amended Design to Planning Consent Ref: PA13/06553. Including additional rear extension, revised roof design and dormer on South elevation
PA14/02853/PREAPPTregellas Heights Cockwells Conversion of a barn into a fully accessible holiday let cottage
PA14/07578Pleming Farm Long Rock Conversion and extension of barn to dwelling, installation of sewerage treatment plant, parking, solar panels, satellite dish and associated works
PA14/07545The Lodge Nancledra Penzance Agricultural shed of concrete block with a slate roof
PA14/02775/PREAPPGarage At Higher Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan Removal of condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA13/11713 to allow full residential occupancy
PA14/07045Barn 2 Tregarthen Farm Tregarthen Long Rock Removal of condition 3 attached to decision notice PA10/08341 dated 27 January 2011 relating to holiday/leisure purposes
PA14/07052AAB Coatings Rospeath Industrial Estate Crowlas Submission of details to discharge condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA11/06121
PA14/06860Land South Of Trewidden Cottages Crowlas Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 11 in respect of decision notice PA10/06940
PA14/06698Unit 19 Poniou Road Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA13/08322
PA14/06839Rose Cottage Lower Quarter Ludgvan Extension to form enlarged ground floor kitchen and first floor bedroom
PA14/06642Castle Gate Farm Castle Gate Ludgvan Construction of New Entrance and Associated Works
PA14/06698Unit 19 Poniou Road Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA13/08322
PA14/02446/PREAPPBodwin Castle Gate Ludgvan Pre-application advice for affordable dwelling
PA14/02445/PREAPPLand North Of Old Dairy Crowlas Pre-application advice for 14 affordable dwellings
PA14/05590Acorn House Nut Lane Hayle The current use of the property is for ancillary storage and staff accommodation as part of Wyevale garden centre. Proposed change to include additional funeral directors office (shop). A funeral directors chapel of rest and a funeral directed mortuary classed as “suss generals”. (Storage and staff accommodation to also remain).
PA14/05612Questmap Business Park Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Demolition of existing B1/B8 buildings and erection of new A1 retail building for The Range, provision of car parking, servicing and secure cycle storage and creation of new vehicular and pedestrian access, and landscaping
PA14/06119Chy-Lowena Vellanoweth Ludgvan Demolition of existing conservatory at front of house and erection of a sun-room
PA14/05979Higher Trenowin Cottage Nancledra open fronted straw & hay storage barn
PA14/05884The Croft Nancledra Single storey extension including rooflights
PA14/05316Pen-Born 38 Heather Lane Canonstown Extensions to existing bungalow to form new chalet style bungalow along with new single storey garage
PA14/02049/PREAPPTyringham Arms Nance Trink St Ives Pre application advice for change of use from restaurant to residential home
PA14/04047Land SW Of Old Station Building Old Station Lane Marazion Erection of one holiday unit designed for use by disabled persons and one unit of manager’s/holiday accommodation
PA14/02049/PREAPPTyringham Arms Nance Trink St Ives Pre application advice for change of use from restaurant to residential home
PA14/04891Dowans Griggs Quay Hayle Removal of existing outdoor swimming pool, construction of domestic double garage and creation of new access driveway
PA14/05013Rose-In-Vale Farmhouse Ludgvan Submission of details to discharge condition 6 attached to decision notice PA13/08223
PA14/05273Lower Menwidden Cottage Vellanoweth Ludgvan Amendment to PA14/02427. Increasing the size of the ground floor of proposed extension, to match the first floor. Reducing the size of a roof light.
PA14/03741Lower Trenowin Farm Ludgvan Listed Building Consent for construction of new Cornish hedging to enclose side garden and to formalise parking area.
PA14/03336Lower Trenowin Farm Ludgvan New Cornish hedging to enclose side garden and formalise parking area
PA14/04524Splattenridden Lelant Downs Hayle Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice number PA12/08666
PA14/04426Trelan Rospeath Lane Crowlas Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Proposed detached dwelling
PA14/01705/PREAPPTolver Water House Tolver Long Rock Retention of a building extension to be used as a domestic annexe and for agricultural purposes
PA14/03892Tregellas West Cockwells Conversion of a redundant barn to a single dwelling
PA14/01583/PREAPPLand Adjacent To Hillcrest Blowing House Hill Ludgvan Erection of 35 affordable dwellings
PA14/03741Lower Trenowin Farm Ludgvan Construction of new Cornish hedging to enclose side garden and to formalise parking area
PA14/01401/PREAPPFormer Railway Sidings Station Road Long Rock Pre application advice for new private residential detached dwelling
PA14/03502Trevenice Lower Quarters Ludgvan Demolish existing single storey lean-to side extension and detached outbuilding, and build new single storey side extension with roof terrace above
PA14/03336Lower Trenowin Farm Ludgvan New Cornish hedging to enclose side garden and formalise parking area
PA14/01401/PREAPPFormer Railway Sidings Station Road Long Rock Pre application advice for new private residential detached dwelling
PA14/02635Gitchell Gitchell Lane Whitecross Ludgvan Outline application for erection of three dwellings
PA14/02677Rosevidney Manor Crowlas Listed building consent for replacement of existing painted timber windows
PA14/02644The Meadow Back Lane Crowlas Construction of Detached Dwelling
PA14/02677Rosevidney Manor Crowlas Listed building consent for replacement of existing painted timber windows
PA14/02676Rosevidney Manor Crowlas Replacement of existing painted timber windows
PA14/00971/PREAPPPleming Barn Long Rock Notification of intention to install electronic communications apparatus – 1×8 metre wooden pole
PA14/00987/PREAPPLand Between Barossa & Trencrom House Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs Hayle Proposed affordable housing development (up to 4 dwellings)
PA14/02427Lower Menwidden Cottage Ludgvan Proposed two storey extension
PA14/00900/PREAPPFlax Cottage Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs Hayle Construction of dwelling house and associated works
PA14/00844/PREAPPWheal Darlington Long Rock Pre-application advice for the construction of a holiday unit
PA14/01529Elm House Crowlas Turn an area of unused garden next to house into a driveway
PA14/01819Cornwall Farmers Ltd Ludgvan siting of a directional sign
PA14/01902The Lodge Nancledra Construction of garden store rooms
PA14/00673/PREAPPKantara Blowing House Hill Ludgvan The conversion of the existing, detached double garage into a unit of self-contained holiday accommodation
PA14/01626Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved: Proposed new dwelling in existing car park
PA14/01245Blue Horizon Castle Gate Ludgvan Outline application (some matters reserved) Construction of two new dwellings and associated drainage. Relocation of vehicular access to serve Blue Horizon and two proposed dwellings
PA14/00728Lowena Crowlas Extension and alterations to existing lean-to and replacement of front porch
PA14/01081Wheal Darlington Long Rock Construction of a dwelling and associated works (for holiday accommodation)
PA14/00494/PREAPPLand South Of B And Q Jelbert Way Longrock Pre-application advice for erection of three class A1 retail units
PA14/00264Brunnion Barns Ninnesbridge Road Lelant Downs Hayle Construction of domestic garage and attached store
PA14/01001The Buildings Station Road Long Rock Non-material amendment to PA11/08227 to include amendment to design of windows and external staircase from first floor terrace to garden
PA14/00281Jasmine Cottage Vellanoweth Ludgvan Erection of a dwelling
PA13/11521Godolphin 41 Heather Lane Canonstown Hayle Lawful Development Certificate for retention of converted domestic garage for use as annexe
PA14/004747 Churchfield Close Ludgvan Proposed domestic extension
PA14/00284Bowgyheere Farm Crowlas Removal of hedgerow
PA14/00243Land SE Of Rospeath Lane Crossroads In Crowlas Rospeath Lane Crowlas Submission of details to discharge conditions 2 and 3 attached to decision notice PA12/02257