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Poppy campaign 2020 – a message from the Royal British Legion

How to get a Poppy this year during Remembrance  

Like so many things this year the poppy appeal has had to adapt to the threat of Covid-19 and the Royal British Legion are asking people to support the armed forces community like never before because every poppy counts.

Due to the pandemic our volunteer street collectors and organisers are too vulnerable for it to be safe for them to help us this year. So did you know you can order 20 Poppies in the post for free online this year to give to your friends and neighbours, any donation is left up to you, order here. Poppies will also be available in most major supermarkets in Cornwall and some local shops. from 22nd of October. Or you could just print a poppy and display it in your window. Whatever you choose, show your support to the Armed Forces personnel who have stood alongside key workers during Covid-19.

We remember those who have fought and made the ultimate sacrifice and honour our living heroes contribution, at 11am on 11th of November 2020, and on Remembrance Sunday which this year falls on the 8th of November.

For enquiries about the Cornwall poppy appeal this year, please contact Annie Binding at for more information about The Royal British Legion in Cornwall contact Susanne Archard at  or call 0808 802 8080

Community spirit recognised!

The covid-19 emergency has had many negative effects, and steps to tackle the spread of the disease has taken sacrifices from us all, with the restrictions on what we can and cannot do on a daily basis.

For some, the restrictions, and especially the national lockdown starting in March of this year, were particularly difficult to cope with. Many people could not shop for their groceries, or collect their medicine. This is where volunteers, local businesses and the local community as a whole stepped in and helped.

Ludgvan parish councillors have been so impressed by the support and community spirit during this time, that they would like to say ‘thank you!’ to anyone who helped in any way. It is by pulling together in this way, across the parish, that has helped the community to stay strong.

A certificate of appreciation! Signed by parish council chairman Cllr Roy Mann, September 2020

Co-option of three new councillors – August 2020

The parish council is pleased to announce that it has co-opted three new councillors Neil Badcock, Andy Branchett and Nicola Osborne.

This means the council now has a full complement of 12 councillors. Their details will be updated on the website soon, and meanwhile we look forward to welcoming them to the council.

Grants for local groups

Ludgvan Parish Council has opened its grants application process. Community groups and projects are invited to submit an application for funding, with a deadline for applications of Friday 7 August 2020. (Later applications will be considered in the next funding round).

For more information, and to download the application form, click here.

Could YOU be a parish councillor?

There are currently three vacancies on the parish council, and the council is keen to fill these vacancies. If you wish to help represent the views of the local community and feel that you have skills, experience or enthusiasm that you can bring to the role, then we want to hear from you!

Find out more – click here for more information and to apply to be co-opted as a parish councillor.

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