Category Archives: Uncategorised

Support for Ukraine

At the meeting of the parish council held on 9 March, the Chairman made the following statement, supported by the council:

Whilst we, as a Council, have not tabled a formal motion, I would like to suggest that we state that we stand with the people of Ukraine and wish for the end of bloodshed of innocent people, in Ukraine and around the world.

We encourage anyone wishing to help provide support for those displaced by this conflict to donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee, the Red Cross, or any other official charity providing direct support.

Also at the meeting, Leader of Cornwall Council, Cllr Linda Taylor, spoke of the Ukranian refugee crises, advising that Cornwall Council had started preparations to be able to support refugee settlement and that Cornwall Council had already been inundated with offers of accommodation. Cornwall Council’s website has a page ‘Support for Ukraine’ which sets out links to charities providing support to people fleeing the war: Support for the people of Ukraine – Cornwall Council

Vacancy for councillor – Crowlas Ward

If you think you can make a change for your community at a local level, follow this link for information about a vacancy for a parish councillor on the Crowlas Ward: Vacancy for Councillor – Crowlas Ward, Ludgvan Parish Council.

Being a parish councillor is a voluntary role and involves attending council meetings and working with local groups and residents to help people to live well in the parish, building community links and facilities.

All parish councillors bring different skills, ideas and experience and so a wide mix of applicants would be welcome. For more information, contact the parish clerk (email: or tel 07928 813 653) or talk to one of the current parish councillors.

Applications for the current vacancy on the Crowlas Ward to be sent to the clekr by midday, Tuesday 5 April 2022.

A new year and new steps for the environment

Ludgvan parish council is keen to help protect and improve the environment, and to help everyone to be able to take small steps to make a big difference!

Each month we will publish an Environmental Challenge – small changes that can be made to everyday activities. The first, a new year’s challenge for January has been set – see here for more details:

Christmas 2021

Ludgvan Parish Council has again provided Christmas Trees around the parish, at the Mexico Inn (Long Rock), the Community Centre (Ludgvan) and Lelant Downs. With thanks to volunteers in the community for decorating and lighting up the trees to bring some sparkle to our Christmas!

The parish council will be closed from Christmas Eve until Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Many things can still be reported online over the festive period directly to Cornwall Council via this link:

Citizens Advice – Autumn Newsletter

For the latest news and advice from Citizens Advice Cornwall, see their Autumn Newsletter at this link:

For advice on redundancy (including after furlough), see this link: