Click on the link above for advice on use of allotments during the coronavirus pandemic
Church Hill Allotments
Located in the heart of Ludgvan, the site boasts a magnificent view across to St Michael’s Mount. There are currently 52 plots; a mixture of full and half-sized plots. A metered water supply is provided at 8 stands across the site.
Long Rock Allotments
Located in Long Rock, next to the old Chapel, the site currently has 17 plots; again a mixture of full and half-sized plots. A metered water supply is provided at 3 stands across the site.
Waiting List
To register on the waiting list, applicants must complete and return an application form to the Parish Clerk. Please note, priority will be given to Ludgvan Parish residents, applications from non-Parish residents may be determined at the discretion of the Parish Council.
Taking on an allotment can give you a lot to think about, planning the best way to get started on your plot. For some advice, see our guidance to new allotment tenants.
Each year the parish council supports the Ludgvan Horticultural Show, donating prizes to the allotment categories. Its one of the ways that the hard work of allotment plot holders is rewarded, and the input from the Ludgvan Horticultural Society is always welcome. Find out more about the Ludgvan Horticultural Show on their website.